Foot is the lowest part of human to support stand upper body. As basic it's use to make motion entire of body part like walked other places. Normally human has pair of feet which consist of the heel, instep, sole, ball and five toes per foot. The ankle is the joint on the body where the foot meet the leg to help body movement or body forward. Advantages of foot will make human do action such running, walking, standing, bending, stretching and activities like driving, swimming, exercising, and climbing. Too much of movement may occurs a problem to the foot some time it will make injuries. A physical therapy such as foot massage can be beneficial treatment to relieve the stressed. Others treatment as extra therapy is reflexology where is really make impressive benefit to entire body system to improve general health.
foot reflexology massage

What is reflexology?
Reflexology is the physical act of applying pressure to the feet and hand with specific thumb, finger and hand techniques without the use of oil or lotion. It is based on a system of zones and reflex areas that reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands with a premise that such work effects a physical change to the body.
How does its work?
Many theories of reflexology. In general explanations it's refer to pressure sensors in the feet and hands are a part of the body's reflexive response that makes possible reaction.
chart of foot reflexology zones

Where and how the technique applied?
Based on conventional treatment guideline the foot divided in certain zones and reflex area which deputize the body system. On technically by using specific thumb, finger and hand must need pressure up the feet zones with stretch and movement technique to provide relaxation to the foot. In century tradition of treatment, utility such as oil or lotion are not use as instrument. Times is changes, knowdays tool are being used by reflexologists maybe to make more effective of reflection.
chart of foot reflexology zones

Where and how the technique applied?
Based on conventional treatment guideline the foot divided in certain zones and reflex area which deputize the body system. On technically by using specific thumb, finger and hand must need pressure up the feet zones with stretch and movement technique to provide relaxation to the foot. In century tradition of treatment, utility such as oil or lotion are not use as instrument. Times is changes, knowdays tool are being used by reflexologists maybe to make more effective of reflection.
There are many reflexology centre outside there to try out this services how the effective of treatment to the body system. Need to be safely choose the accreditation and licensing centre where its has a professional qualification of reflexologists.