What is definition of disease?
There are many meaning of disease in general disease is a term for any condition that impairs the normal functioning of an organism or body. Although plants and animals also contract diseases, by far the most significant disease-related areas of interest are those conditions that afflict human beings. They can be divided into three categories: intrinsic, or coming from within the body; extrinsic, or emerging from outside it; and of unknown origin. Its also may refer to a condition or tendency, as of society, regarded as abnormal and harmful. Another term of disease is illness or sickness often characterized by typical patient problems (symptoms) and physical findings (signs). For an example disruption sequence, the events that occur when a fetus that is developing normally is subjected to a destructive agent such as the rubella.
figure showing cause infected of rubbela
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How to prevent disease?
A lot of solutions can be apply and practice getting our health in good condition especially in prevention of disease. In new era of environment with massive erections sometimes we couldn't be avoiding illness cause of pollution where it may occur every way. Be sensitive of our surrounding area's don't be ignorant especially inside-out our houses. There are many important step should be taken toward better healthy life. But the most basic way is always to keep clean everyday a part of our body itself. Spent time get extra cleaning. Some simple tips as a little medicine maybe that can be use in prevention from infected by disease is:-
Particular on type of foods. Take right nutrition of food. Get further info of nutriment.
Drink much pure water recommended 8-10 glasses per-day. Used good usable water treatment to filter up water at home.
Go exercise in right way whatever how workaholic are you. Cell inside our body need be activate by motion from the body part. Recommended 3 day a week.
Get natural supplement from the fruit & vegetable on regular basic.
Most people wanted to be have a good condition of health. But, the same time still in reluctant situation to change of the lifestyle because didn't border right way to keep care of own health. Start avoiding bad habit by eat unwanted of food and changes it into good nutriment.